Summer Sparks

Hey, is summer almost over? OH NOwe hardly think so! There are still vegetables growing, flowers blooming & projects to complete “Oh My”It is never to late to amend your soil or side dress your plants.  Using a natural product, like our screened leaf humus, allows for your soil to drain properly  plus adds nutrient rich organic material, that your plants need to grow healthy & strong.

Although a wet spring didn’t allow you much time to mulch you still have the opportunity to get a covering down before fall.  By using one of our natural mulch products you can build up your soil for next spring’s planting season.  One of our most popular mulches this year is “Custom-Z” [a bark compost mix].  This mulch serves a dual purpose; not only does it do the job of a mulch but it also breaks down quickly to act as a  natural fertilizer.

We can help you to create your own garden oasis.  We’de love to hear how you make your garden sparkle!  Its amazing how much a little drop of sunshine can give you a sunnier disposition.  As a special for our dedicated customers we are offering a $5.00 off delivery discount just for mentioning this article.

Thank you, and remember, “If you want to be happy forever, make a garden.”                  Chinese Proverb

June News

Summer’s here and there is still plenty of time to get your garden projects completed.  Whether you are planting a vegetable or a flower garden we have a blend of soil that’s right for you.  And to keep those pesky weeds at bay we have quite a variety of organic and hardwood mulches.  Visit our website for more information on our products or to place an order online.  Thank you for visiting this site we value and appreciate your patronage.  And remember, “In gardens, beauty is a by-product” [Sam Llewelyn], especially if you buy your products from Three Z Supply.

Red, White & Grew!

 Celebrate your Independence Day Garden with our Colored Red Hardwood Mulch.  A great mulch for both sunny and shady spots.



How to determine the best type of mulch to use in your landscape

When determining the best type of mulch to use in your landscape, there are many factors to consider.  What is the look you want in your landscaping?  Is the mulch for a playground, garden, or landscape area?  What texture do you need for your landscaping?  Are you putting mulch on a sloping area? Do you like cypress mulch vs wood chips? Are you looking at a playground area and interested in Kid Karpet ™ mulch?  Do you want a 100% all organic mulch?

We know mulch can be very beneficial to your landscaping.  Besides drastically cutting down on the amount of time spent on weeding, mulching your garden has these additional benefits:

  • Adds curb appeal to your home.
  • Adds contrast and texture to plant beds.
  • Suppresses weeds and makes weed pulling much easier.
  • Helps fight pests
  • Helps retain moisture for plant roots, which will then require less watering.
  • Protects plants from temperature extremes.
  • Affordable solution for a natural pathway in your garden or landscape.
  • Improves soil condition for plants as it gradually decomposes and encourages earthworm activity.
  • Great natural cushion for play areas around the home.
  • Keeps mud from splashing up on flowers and vegetables when watering or when it rains.

With so many choices available, Three-Z can assist you with selecting the mulch that will be best suited for your garden and landscape needs.  We have been in the mulch business for over 30+ years and have the knowledge to prove it.  Our staff can help you with making the right selection, assist figuring how much mulch is needed, and work out a delivery schedule, or equipment rental, if needed.